Unknown Speaker 0:00 *Indigenous chanting* Unknown Speaker 0:22 but today's presentation on getting your names and your colors and why that's important social mentioned like a sense of identity that indigenous people have Unknown Speaker 0:36 already array. So having heard here Unknown Speaker 0:40 helps us stay connected to our sense of identity but also learn more about it. And I've always been curious to know more about the indigenous culture and the rituals they have the ceremonies that have so this seemed like a very interesting ceremony side project I should go to learn about what is economics to me. Unknown Speaker 1:03 A little bit counseling. She also like what she was talking about. Unknown Speaker 1:08 She'll do teachings Unknown Speaker 1:10 think she'll agree or Ojibwe teaching and it makes all the difference. I feel a little more connected, feel like there's resources out there for someone in my position, you know, that's like from up north coming down here. Unknown Speaker 1:31 It just feel home you know. Unknown Speaker 1:33 *Indigenous chanting* Transcribed by https://otter.ai