Wellness trends and fitness fads often veer into cultural appropriation. Now, traditional sweat-lodge practices have become the latest targets 24 Apr 2017 Sweat Lodge Wellness trends and fitness fads often veer into cultural appropriation. Now, traditional sweat-lodge practices have become the latest targets mkuflu
Small but significant steps are being taken after years of colonization, exploitation and racial prejudice have resulted in a tenuous relationship between traditional healing practices and Western medicine 21 Apr 2017 Traditional Healing Small but significant steps are being taken after years of colonization, exploitation and racial prejudice have resulted in a tenuous… devika.desai
This summer, the North American Indigenous Games are coming to Toronto. Can the sporting event, supported by the TRC Calls to Action, play an important part in the reconciliation process? 20 Apr 2017 Heritage Through Sport This summer, the North American Indigenous Games are coming to Toronto. Can the sporting event, supported by the TRC Calls…